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December 15, 2015

I'm Teaching!

I'm so excited!  I've been talking with one of the local quilt shops, Memories by the Yard, and they have begun selling my patterns and....I'm getting the chance to teach each one of them!!  Thought I'd take some time to share it with you today.  

First up will be Butterfly Trellis....

Butterfly Trellis

I love this quilt and can't wait to see the color combinations that you come up with!  This one is going to be on January 10, from 12-5.  It's a very easy quilt to make and we're going to have so much fun making it!

Next up will be Delectable Flowers.  

Delectable Flowers

This was my first quilt for Moda and it is still a favorite.  It is a lot easier to make than it looks and I look forward to sharing that with you!  It will be on January 16 from 1-5.

And finally, we will be doing NIOSA.


This is a pretty special one to me.  It reminds me of San Antonio and just means home.  Again, it's a pretty simple quilt and you'll enjoy making this one.  We'll be doing this one just in time for Fiesta/NIOSA on February 7 from 12-5.

If you're anywhere near San Antonio, I hope you'll come join me for a class or two (or three!).  We'll have so much fun!  Give Memories by the Yard a call today to sign up!


  1. Those are going to be some fun classes. To bad Texas is such a big state, it makes it impossible to just cross the border for a few days.

  2. I can only wish I were going to be in that neighborhood and could come to all three! If I were still traveling the country, I could have made that plan, because there's an Escapee park about 45 minutes from downtown San Antonio. Wish I were!

  3. That's so exciting Cathy - Congratulations! Wonderful patterns too!

  4. Congratulations Cathy! Teaching quilt classes is a blast! I have not done so in many years, but now I get my teaching fill in a junior high classroom instead. Enjoy!
