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May 17, 2016

Leader/Ender Linky Party!

I'm still in the "finishing up the top" stage on my last leader/ender.  The center is all together now and I started auditioning borders last night.  Here's where I was when I showed yall last week...

I'm hoping to have the top finished so I can show y'all by Friday!!  :)  Now a reminder, I'm starting a new project for my leader/ender.  I'm going to be making quilts for the local NICU for Threads of Love.  Here's the start of my first one...

As they need finished sizes of 36" x 42" they will go together quite quickly.  As a matter of fact, I have all of the centers done already and the HST's for the star points are made.  This is so bright and cheerful!  If you are interested in helping out with this worthy project, or just have scraps that you want to get rid or, please think about donating them to the cause.  The details are on last week's post here.

Now it's your turn!  Let me see how far you've gotten on your leaders/enders!!
A Quilting Chick

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Today I'll be linking up with Fabric Tuesday at Quilt Story.


  1. Your leaders and enders quilt came out beautifully. Just a few sashing pieces to finish and I'll be able to stitch my current leaders and enders project together.

  2. Wow! What a great Quilt. And the star block looks amazing! Olivia
