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March 17, 2015

Leader/Ender Linky Party!

It's that time again! Time for our leader/ender linky party.  Let's see how much progress we've made in a month.  Here's where I was last month...

Patches and Pinwheels February 2015 

And here's where I am this month....

Patches and Pinwheels March 2015 

Yup.  That's right.  Absolutely no progress!  I have a bunch of partially done blocks on my table but nothing ready to add to this yet.  The flu really put a crimp in things getting done over the last month.

So now it's your turn.  Come show us your leader/ender progress!

A Quilting Chick

Linking up with Show and Tell Tuesday at I Have to Say, and Fabric Tuesday at Quilt Story.



  1. But it's still just as pretty!

  2. Looks to me like you at least played with a different layout. Pondering is progress!

  3. Haha, cute post!
    Maybe you can persuade me to pull my LE project out of its drawer this month!

  4. Fun link-up! I'm planning on starting the leader/ender thingy very soon and will be happy to link up if this is being continued on your blog. For more exposure, you can submit your linky party to www.quiltalong.net.
